This casserole-style dish is the typical coastal breakfast in Ecuador.
Made of mashed green plantains and eggs (this vegan version uses scrambled tofu), it is claimed to provide the body with energy for the rest of the day. Also, “tigrillo” is the Spanish name for the oncilla, a small tiger whose spotted robe reminds the dish’s visual!
Preheat oven to 180°C.
Peel off the plantains.
In a bowl, crush the tofu to a scramble, add the milk, salt, and stir well.
Bake the plantains for 20mn until the skin starts getting brown (and crispy, yummy!)
Meanwhile, finement chop the spring onions and herbs.
When the plantains are ready, roughly crush them.
In a frying pan, heat the olive oil. Throw in the spring onions and sauté for approximately 1mn until fragrant. Throw in the crushed plantain, the tofu mixture and herbs. Sauté for 5mn.
Add salt to taste and serve immediately!