New comforting and original Autumn recipe! For pies I’m always using my almond shortbread dough with Flora planted butter, and I’m also introducing my pumpkin spice compote sauce!
Bake your dough (see recipe) and let it cool down.
Peel off the pumpkin, set 5-6 small wedges aside, cut the rest into cubes, and cook until tender (20mn using a steam cooker is ideal).
Oven-bake the wedges for 20mn at 220°C, drizzled with butter and sprinkled with sugar.
Meanwhile, in a bain-marie, melt the chocolate with the almond purée, coconut oil and sugar.
Transfer the cooked pumpkin and chocolate mix to a blender. Blend until smooth. Add sugar to taste.
Pour into the dough, leave to cool down and transfer to fridge.
Enjoy when the chocolate sauce is hardened, here served with my pumpkin spice compote (see recipe).